
Watch this before studying Japanese | The common errors newbies do when learning Japanese)

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Watch this earlier than learning Japanese |  The common mistakes novices do when studying Japanese)
Be taught , Watch this earlier than studying Japanese | The widespread mistakes learners do when learning Japanese) , , glAjOLLgp7s , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glAjOLLgp7s , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/glAjOLLgp7s/hqdefault.jpg , 89752 , 5.00 , Concerning the Mochimochi app: @MochiMochi Official ✨Obtain hyperlink for iOS: ... , 1651317909 , 2022-04-30 13:25:09 , 00:12:13 , UCKtiMrNZq0gGbPTnsMu7Bsw , Ruri Ohama , 5580 , , [vid_tags] , https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=glAjOLLgp7s , [ad_2] , [ad_1] , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glAjOLLgp7s, #Watch #learning #Japanese #widespread #mistakes #newcomers #learning #Japanese [publish_date]
#Watch #studying #Japanese #common #mistakes #inexperienced persons #studying #Japanese
About the Mochimochi app: @MochiMochi Official ✨Obtain hyperlink for iOS: ...
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47 thoughts on “

  1. i'm Japanese
    if you want to speak Japanese fluently, you should talk with Japanese native speaker.because real Japanese conversation is not tidy word order.
    lack of subject is normal while talking.

  2. I am in my first week of learning Japanese and I'm very motivated and having fun so far! I have a goal of understanding and casually speaking Japanese with others so I want to really understand the language and culture (as you mentioned). Right now, I am learning Hiragana and have it mostly nailed down, but as you mentioned there are no shortcuts and it takes lots of practice. I'm really looking forward to (hopefully) learning the language enough to converse with people. This is really great advice! ありがとうございます!

  3. One of the main problems I've seen and experienced is just the lack of self discipline and motivation, some people decide to learn Japanese and go to town the first few days with a few hours of Japanese per day, and then after those days they drop it because they lack motivation (and self discipline to keep going) . Time management and planning are really useful if you want to achieve your goals long term, better to go 20 minutes a day for a few months (ideally longer) than 1 hour a day for a few weeks.

  4. I just wanna learn Japanese because japanese manga was way wayyyy cheaper than the English translation 😭😭 and my broke a$$ cannot afford a bajillion dollars 😭😭 yeah that's all, And also I always see japanese words here in my country 😭 and i wanna flex to my friends or family that i can read it lmao

  5. I feel like you should learn hirigana and katagana BEFORE you learn any vocabulary. That's how I did it and I'm learning like a sky rocket.

  6. Just watched a video from a year ago and I'm watching this one now you look and sound so different

  7. Als jemand der in Deutschland geboren ist und hier seit 28 Jahren lebt, muss ich zugeben dass ich mir absolut unsicher bin wie man unsere "Kultur" definieren würde.

  8. Ruri, a question. Would you have s3x with someone who is obsessed with anime?

    I think talking about anime is a test to be able to find real men lol

  9. I lived in Japan for a long while and never learned how to write it lol And since I havent spoke japanese in like 8 years I can't even speak it anymore. rip

  10. Ruri Ohama thnx for youre video,s. you are very clear,good in english and very cute !!!

  11. My first mistake is, i watch you because I can't get you out of my head now😂just kidding, now i know where do i start.Thank you!!

  12. i'm learning "some" Japanese cause over these last 2 years, i've discovered a Japanese (and indonesian and English) organization called Hololive, who also does music and really good songs. I want to understand those.

  13. Thanks Ruri !, A question which language is more difficult to learn?. Many say it is Mandarin.

  14. Wonderful and inspiring video. I love your point about the importance of considering the culture when learning another language. That does seem to be too often overlooked. The language learning process can be made much more meaningful and effective when we take our time and delve into the culture, history and literature of the language we are studying.

  15. i know the hiragana and the katakana alphabet and i know some kanji like yume(夢), ai(愛), hi(日), tsuki(月), boku(僕),namae(名前) these are just some i can recognize in sentences

  16. In a Japanese book, the author indicates that there are 46 hiragana, but when he lists them, we first notice that there are 2 graphemes for the vowel o: お and を
    Secondly, of the 46 hiraganas, we can see that only the 5 vowels a-i-u-e-o are retained plus the remaining 41 hiraganas composed of the syllables ka, sa, ta, na, ha, ma, ya, ra and wa followed by the other vowels for each, namely ka ki ku ke ko, sa shi su se so… etc.
    For the shi how do you say the sound si

  17. 10:14 "there is no right or wrong in this world, there are just different of values according to different cultures and different ways of understanding."

    good one.

  18. I do find it strange when Japanese are asked to explain some phrases spoken in animation and film, cuz that's not utterly how this language works in reality. So I keep listening to some podcasts from Japanese news, where pronunciation is much more standard and vocabularies are more formal

  19. in this internet era, it might be easier to find a friend of native speaker you want to learn than before like 30 yrs ago.

  20. Thank you for making this video! I noticed that I have made almost all of these mistakes. I stopped learning Japanese over 6 months ago but I'm planning to re-learn it this upcoming summer so thank you for making this video! It helps a lot and I'm so excited to start re-learning the language!

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